Wednesday 1 January 2014

2014 and Wish List: THE SALES!!!

I found this on pinterest (here) and thought it was a great thought to start the new year with!

I hope you all had a good time celebrating the new year last night/today, Happy New Year to all of you lovely readers! Yesterday it made it 4 months since I had written and posted my first blog post and I can't believe how well my blog has done, getting nearer and nearer to my first milestone now.. 100 followers! That itself gives me so much motivation to continue to post regularly (when I'm back at uni it does get a lot harder) but I'm going to try and post at least twice a week. Another resolution, or more of an aim is to get myself a part-time job this year so that I will be a lot better off financially. But, I can only TRY with this because I've been applying and going to job interviews for a while and I still don't have one so we'll see and hopefully it'll happen very soon!

Anyway, on with what this post was originally aimed at.. my wish list of the sales!

5. Miss Selfridge top £15.00
7. No.7 Mirror £15.99

Do you have any new years resolutions? What's on your wish list?

Abigail x


  1. ooh I have the No.7 mirror, I absolutely love it! so good for doing your make up if you have no natural lighting. Definitely worth purchasing xx

    1. It's out of stock at the moment so hopefully I'll be able to get it if they come back in soon :) xx

  2. The No7 mirror is fantastic! I got it for christmas, and the magnified side is so useful! There are still loads in stock in my local store, so maybe you should go and check to see if yours has any! :)
    amyalaska | Beauty & Lifestyle blog

    1. Ooh thanks I'll have to take another look xx


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