Tuesday, 3 September 2013

The Last Burst of Summer

Now that September is here it'll soon be Autumn and Summer will be over once again. The Autumn and Winter months are probably my favourite time of year, I love getting back into school/college/uni (or whatever it is you do, it feels so strange that i'm going back into my second year of university) feeling refreshed after summer and ready to start all over again. The dark cold nights, hot chocolates, the Autumn colours and then finally my favourite time of year... Christmas!

So, as a little 'last burst of summer' I decided to paint my nails a lovely bright colour before autumn properly starts.
This is 'salsa' by Barbara Daly make-up, I've had this for quite a while now and realised I've never seen their products anywhere else but Tesco. I love this colour, it's a really vibrant orange with a nice shine to it. Looking at their nail polishes online they range from £3-£6 which isn't a bad price at all! I might even have to purchase a few more for the autumn/winter months as this is the only shade I have at the moment.

I hope you've enjoyed this little post and make the most of the little bit of Summer that we have left!

Abigail x


  1. Cute blog!
    Love this shade of orange/red. What is your opinion of Barbara Daly nail lacquer?
    Much Love,
    Stephanie Eva

    1. Thanks so much! I think they're really good and I love the colours

  2. Lovely colour. I quite like some of the Barbara Daly make-up from Tesco.
    Thanks for commenting on my blog.


  3. ahh, love the name of your blog!

    Ye I'm wearing a similar color, just to make the most of summer aswell, although I'll still wear a bright nail in the Winter :) x


    1. Aw thanks!
      I usually go for dark purples, blues and reds in the winter.. maybe I'll start to wear some brights too! x

  4. I'm the same, I can't wait the the autumn/winter months to hurry themselves up! But coloured tartan is big for A/W13 so you might be able to get away with this red for a little longer ;) ....or at least that's what I keep telling myself!

    Lauren x - www.anauburnaccessory.com

    1. Oooh good, that sounds like a nice trend! I'll have to check it out :) x


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