Thursday, 19 September 2013

A-level textiles coursework

Last week I went back to my sixth form college to pick up my textiles work and I didn't realise how much I'd missed it! Although the design had changed and there were new buildings around the memories from when I was there a few years ago with my friends came back to me. This post has nothing to do with beauty/fashion but I thought it would be nice to share with you some of the work I did for my textiles a-level in my second year there.

For my coursework I decided on the theme of 'florals'. I looked up work from different textiles artists/designers (Claire Cole being one of my favourites) and I would write about the work they had done, analysing one or two of their pieces and trying out the same techniques for myself. Also in the early stages I would photograph my theme, in this case flowers to use as my primary resources and also have secondary resources of wallpaper prints, fabrics and images from magazines or online which inspired me and worked from those too.

The more research I did and testing out different techniques the more samples I produced for my sketchbook. These examples (above) show embroidering onto fabric on top of paintings, mono printing and collaging all sorts of ideas together. The first image shows a sample which included creating a flower out of dissolvable fabric, embroidering on top of wallpaper and fabrics and even adding lace and beads.

My final piece (above) from my coursework shows how I have created a wall hanging under the floral theme. I used the ideas I had throughout my sketchbook and combined those ideas together to create this much larger collage. Within this piece I used techniques such as mono printing, collaging fabrics together as a background, cutting out floral wallpapers and embroidering on top of them also creating a collaged effect, embroidery and other techniques too!

I hope you enjoyed this post, maybe I'll create another post on my textiles exam work if you enjoy this sort of post.

Abigail x

1 comment:

  1. I did textiles too and I actually really miss it. I loved being able to be creative with fabric! Your coursework is lovely.
    Spider Leg Lashes xo


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