I'd first heard of this only last week and it sounded so good that I just had to get it the next day! As this is basically a 2-in-1 product as not only a moisturiser it's also a primer, I thought it would be great now that I'll be getting back into the routine of going back to uni and wearing make-up every day through those long lectures and days in uni to help keep my make-up lasting for longer.
I bought this in Boots where it's now on offer for £3.99. Although I bought the 'normal and combination skin' version there is also one available for 'dry and sensitive skin' here. When I went in store to buy this, the one for dry and sensitive skin was cheaper than the one I bought for some reason although now it's also £3.99.

One thing that I was aware of with this product from reading other reviews is that the size of the jar was actually a lot smaller than the box. Inside the box it has a platform of cardboard which the jar sits on. Also the jar has thick glass at the bottom so that's still even more of the product that we're missing out on! Nevertheless I knew this was the case and still wanted the product despite the amount we actually get.
It does however come sealed with foil underneath the lid which I think is much better, keeping the product fresher for longer! I was quite surprised with the texture of the product as I thought it would be more of a thicker cream consistency rather than some sort of gel that it appears to be.
This isn't as bad as it sounds though as it still feels like a moisturiser but not as thick as I was expecting it to be. It does as it says on the tin, or box in this case of giving 'instant absorption' as it almost melts as you put it onto your skin. I've been using this in the morning when I get up and at night just before I go to bed after cleansing and I think it feels great!
As a primer because I've only had this product for a week now I've only worn make-up over it a couple of times. These times that I have worn it underneath however after a long day outside in the sun I did notice my make-up had stayed on a lot more than it usual would (especially with the heat we've had) so that's another thing this product does, just as it claims to! I'd definitely go and get this whilst you can, I'm not usually one to use primers a lot but this one I don't think I'll be going without!
Abigail x
I've not heard much hype around this product, but it does look really lovely! x
It's a great primer! :) x