Sunday, 30 November 2014

The Makeup Addict Tag

I've come to realise I wrote this post about three weeks ago and have still not got around to posting it until now! I was tagged by the lovely Tania (blog link here - you should take a peek!) and here are Tania's answers to the tag

What product do you still keep buying more of despite having plenty in your collection?
Foundations, probably quite a rare answer I think but at the moment some how I have about four on the go!

What's the one product you can't live without?
Mascara, whether it's volume or length it's needed for me!

Favourite makeup brand?
I think Rimmel would quite often be my answer to this question but lately I've been liking quite a lot of Revlon's products or if we're talking a slightly higher end I'd probably go for Illamasqua.

How big is your makeup collection?
I'd say fairly big, and it just keeps on growing! I think within the last year or so my collection of lip and face products have probably grown the most.

And how do you like to store it?
Right now (at uni) because I have quite a large desk I seem to have most of it scattered into what I like to call 'organised chaos' with some things such as eye shadows and lipsticks in pots or makeup bags and makeup brushes in jars.

How many items of makeup have you got in your handbag at the moment?
At the moment only a couple of lipsticks which I always tend to have at least one in my bag with me for when I'm out and about. I don't really tend to top my make-up up throughout the day so I never really have much with me! 

If you could raid another blogger's stash, who would it be?
Fleur De Force, her make-up collection is amazing! And she has such a variety of drug store to high end pieces too.

How long does your usual makeup routine take and how many products do you use?
For my week day (work) routine it probably takes me about ten minutes maximum and I only use 6 products at the most for my daily makeup.

Have you ever bought makeup knowing you wouldn't use it?
Only really when I was a lot younger, I remember buying a really really glittery bright pink eye shadow for dance competitions and I must have only used it once or twice! .....(I think I might even secretly still have it somewhere)

Tag a few other makeup addicts to do the tag!
I tag anyone and everyone reading this with a blog that wants to do the tag!

Abigail x

Thursday, 6 November 2014

An Autumn Walk - Castle Hill

"Everyone must take time to sit 
and watch the leaves turn"

Abigail x

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Mango Wishlist

I've been super busy lately and been meaning to post one of my many drafts for so long! I hate not being able to sit and write and update my blog so this weekend I'll hopefully be able to make time to do just that. As most of you probably know by now, I like to write a different 'wishlist' post each month with a different 'theme' or place so this months is my Mango Wishlist. I haven't shopped at Mango a lot but when I have I've been really pleased with what I've bought and to be honest it isn't a place I often think of shopping but when I had a little rummage through their website the other day I just had to share with you some of my favourite pieces!

I think the scarf has to be my favourite, what's yours?

Abigail x